xAPICohort – A Review on developing GeoLocation in xAPI

The Fall 2020 xAPICohort has now come to an end and I wanted to share my experience, what I learnt and how the xAPICohort can help you gain a better understanding of xAPI. I was part of the xAPI Team Downunder. We were the first dedicated team from Australia which meant we could participate in […]

How to capture xAPI statements from a Video

Recently along with Peter Hawkins of the Australian xAPI User Group, I presented at a Local event for the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD) QLD/NT Council on an introduction to xAPI and a real time demo of how xAPI can be used with a Video. The concept was to show, in almost real […]

Adapting And Iterating Learning In An xAPI World

By using xAPI to gather data from other sources, you’re equipped to provide relevant suggestions. This is where adaptive learning and microlearning come into the picture, but these topics are for another article.

xAPI in a nutshell – Infographic

Recently I’ve been completing the edX course on a Micro Masters in Instructional Design and Technology As I work through the modules I’ll start sharing some of the resources I’ve developed. I’ve focused a lot on xAPI and introducing users to what it can do. Below are two infographics developed titled xAPI in a Nutshell. […]

Why You Need Learning Analytics In Digital Design

Original Article Why You Need Learning Analytics In Digital Design – eLearning Industry  By Kirstie Greany and Lori Niles-Hofmann The key is not to think about data as numbers, but as a story. Just like storytelling has twists and turns, data can challenge your assumptions and surprise you. And surprise us it does. The Importance […]

eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018

Original Article: eLearning Trends And Predictions For 2018 – eLearning Industry We are going through a phase of significant and rapid “learning transformation“. This has led to an adoption of new, immersive approaches to creating impactful learning that can lead to the required performance gain. This is not all. We also see that L&D teams […]

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