What Sources Of Learning Analytics Should You Be Collecting?

Want to know what Sources Of Learning Analytics you should be collecting? Check the top Sources Of Learning Analytics you should be collecting. Read more at What Sources Of Learning Analytics Should You Be Collecting? – eLearning Industry

Why choose elearning? – LEO Learning

Why choose elearning over traditional face-to-face learning? Elearning is a term used to define the practice of using an electronic device to access educational materials. The term ‘elearning’ was first used during a Computer Based Training (CBT) systems seminar in 1999, but the notion can be traced back to the 1980s when learning that took […]

Mobile Learning: Let’s Not Phone It In! – Free eBook

When we consider implementing mobility, organisations tend to be at different levels of comfort and adaptation. This eBook is meant for individuals and organisations along with a spectrum: from those considering mobility for the first time to those who have already implemented such training interventions and are considering improving their effectiveness. The eBook distills Upside Learning’s 13 […]

Blooms Taxonomy Planning Kit

Whilst searching for the Blooms Taxonomy wheel, I came across this interpretation which for me, is much easier to understand. Hope it helps you as well! Credit

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