Is Implementing Learning Analytics Complicated and Expensive?
Learning Analytics is quickly becoming a part of the training strategy in organizations around the world. There was a time when decision makers used to take crucial decisions on rolling out training programs in their organization based on their observations and perceptions. This scenario has changed as decisions have become data-driven, paving the way for […]
What does an instructional designer do?
Have you ever wondered just what an instructional designer does? As Instructional Designer is still a relatively new role, there is a lot of uncertainty as to what we actually do. I came across this article on SproutLabs that provides a clear guide as to what the role entails. Read more at
The Evolution Of eLearning For Adult Learners
A great article by Christina Kay on the Evolution of Learning for Adult Learners. Regardless of your educational goals, there’s an eLearning platform available to help you reach them. Read more at The Evolution Of eLearning For Adult Learners – eLearning Industry
5 Instructional Design Books That Every Instructional Designer Should Read – eLearning Industry
The field of Instructional Design is filled with a plethora of theories and practices. This article is a very helpful guide to 5 books that can assist in the development and progression of your Instructional Design career. Read more at 5 Instructional Design Books That Every Instructional Designer Should Read – eLearning Industry
[Opinion] Technology and the Adult Learner: Then and Now
Recently I came across this and article titled ’Technology and the Adult Learner: Then and Now ‘ by Frawley, James C., (year not given) of North Carolina State University. ( I read this with interest given my involvement with adult learning, especially with relation to technology and the challenges faced. There is no year […]
Top five low-stakes quizzing tools for teachers – ICTEvangelist
There are plenty of quizzes out there for anyone to use as resources, but Mark Anderson (@ICTEvangelist) has narrowed it down to 5. Read more at Top five low-stakes quizzing tools for teachers – ICTEvangelist
Marzipano 360 how to change hotspot properties and styles
Recently I was asked about changing the hotspot properties of a Marzipano 360 project. This article will extend on How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360. Unfortunately, there is no interface to change the styles of the hotspot, so you’ll need to know a little bit about CSS. For a simple free HTML […]
Adding Social Media Buttons to a Marzipano Tour
Found this great article on adding some social sharing icons to your Marzipano 360 virtual tour project. If you are using the Marzipano Tool to create Virtual Tours this tutorial will take you step by step through the process of adding in 4 of the most common “Share” buttons. Email, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Read […]
What Technology Challenges Do Adult Learners Face
Recently I stumbled across this article that uses my original article on Technology Challenges faced by adult learners It’s quoted at stating: If anyone did not fully understand why the US President stated that “we are in a digital literacy crisis”, this article takes the time to explain what he was communicating. The article also […]
UI and UX—What’s the difference and how to apply to elearning
Image Often the lines between User Interface and User Experience can become blurred, especially in developing eLearning content. This article outlines the difference between the UI and UX. A UX designer needs a deep understanding of the learners and their needs and goals in using the eLearning. The UX designer might interview potential or […]