Whilst recently converting a Captivate 9 elearning project to use xAPI, I wanted to capture custom verbs for the xAPI. I came across this great article that makes it easy to use. So I won’t repeat it here, just go check it out!

Captivate Javascript xAPI Customization | Best Practices for xAPI

With the new Tin Can object being passed, I wanted to redirect the user to a another page based on the object they clicked on, almost like branching but I wanted to capture this.

So I set about updating all the javascript and used the following as an executable javascript on the Action item of each object

var tincan = new TinCan({url: window.location.href});

//Change this only

var slideTitle = " Title";
var NextSlide = 0;


verb: {
id :"http://maywebsite.com/elearning/clicked.htm",
display: {"en-US":"clicked"}
object :{
id: "http://maywebsite.com/elearning/multiscreen.html",
definition :{
name: {"en-US": "Viewed " + " " + slideTitle},
description: {"en-US": "Clicked and Viewed the " + slideTitle }



This all worked with the new clicked statement working but the redirect was going to the wrong page. I know I was linking to the number of the slide in captivate, so why wasn’t it working.

Then it dawned on me that I need to reference the object number, not the slide number. So instead of counting the first slide as 1, you count it as 0 (zero), and all will work as planned!


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