Original article: https://elearningindustry.com/learner-engagement-moodle-4-ways-increasing by Ben Young

Gaining the interest of learners and maintaining it throughout the training experience is one of the main goals of every learning professional. Here are some Moodle key features and functionalities that will help you increase learner engagement in Moodle LMS.

1. Badges In Moodle

The Harvard Business Review named eLearning badges as one of the most innovative trends to watch in 2013, and five years later LMS badge functionalities have only gotten better.

A digital Moodle badge is essentially an online recognition of your achievements and skills. If a user has a number of certifications, for example, they can receive and display LMS badges online to recognize their achievement or competency. Moodle badges can be given out based on a number of different achievements or criteria. With the ability to track a recipient’s communities of online interaction, a Moodle badge will explain the work completed, and the outcomes learned to achieve said badge.

Moodle Badges are a great motivation and engagement tool to award students for their progress and hard work. It is a simple, yet effective way of accrediting learning. Moodle Badges motivate students who have received them to work hard to gain more, and they motivate other students to work hard to gain their own badges. Badges can be managed at either the course or site level.

Badges come in two varieties. First, there are site badges. These can be used across Moodle, and are offered for activities that are site-wide, such as completing a set of courses. Second, there are course badges, which are awarded for activities within a specific course.

Students can view each other’s badges by going to the “Participants” tab on the Navigation bar, and clicking on the user’s course profile. Teachers can both add and manage badges in their courses, as long as the administrator has enabled course badges in Administration>Site administration>Badges settings. Teachers can also add their own badges, with a title, issuer (i.e. teacher) detail, badge expiry date, and criteria for receiving the badge.

If you are managing your own Moodle badges, you can do so by going to Navigation>My profile>My badges. You can also view all available course badges at Navigation>Current course>Badges. You can see what badges other students in the course has, by going to Navigation>Participants, and clicking on the user’s profile.

Here is a full list of Badges capabilities:

2. Gamification In Moodle

Gamification is used in Moodle to engage and motivate learners using game mechanics and games. Game mechanics are common gaming tactics used to ignite competition and the desire for learners to ‘win’. The Moodle Games Plugin allows you to utilize glossaries, short answer questions, multiple choice questions, and true/false questions to quiz learners with the following games:

Popular gamification mechanics that Instructional Designers can make use of are:

3. Moodle Mobile

Mobile Moodle learning can refer to two things – mobility of learning (i.e. learning on the go) and learning directly from your mobile device. Not surprisingly, the two definitions are interdependently related. Learning on your mobile phone allows increased collaboration, and it acts as an extra channel for communication in a course. The key to mobile Moodle learning is to use it as a supplementary method to your standard eLearning method, or even in-class.

To fully benefit from mobile learning, you can download the Moodle Mobile app. The Moodle Mobile app is an HTML5 application that works on Android and Apple devices. With the app, users have a few more multimedia capabilities, including uploading smartphone pictures, recorded audio, and videos into Moodle. Users can also use the mobile platform as an added channel of communication with peers and teachers. Additionally, with the new release of Moodle Mobile 2.0, users now benefit from the following new features and improvements:

4. Multimedia Capabilities

One of the greatest benefits of eLearning is the ability to incorporate multimedia. The multimedia capabilities in Moodle are available through multimedia plugins. By enabling your Multimedia plugins filter in Moodle, multimedia will be transformed from a link that points to a multimedia resource, to the appropriate multimedia player. An example of this is if a teacher places a video file as a resource in a course, or includes a URL link to an external video file. When the multimedia plugin is turned on, students will then be able to play video files from a screen within their Moodle interface.

Communicating In Moodle

A steady stream of communication is an essential component in online learning environments. There are a few common tools available for communication in Moodle.

Original article: https://elearningindustry.com/learner-engagement-moodle-4-ways-increasing by Ben Young

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