In March this year, I was interviewed for JoomlaLMS as an expert in Adult Learning and provided a A Comprehensive Guide to Adult Learning – Interview with Julian Davis. This has now seen over 3,600 visits.

With the high success of this post, I was asked to contribute to a new series that JoomlaLMS was developing. Below is the extract from their page.

More than a year ago we launched a new blog series called “Experts’ Interviews”. We have interviewed many talented people: award winning instructional designers, experienced educators, teachers, conference speakers, bestselling book authors, LMS consultants, and instructional technology specialists.

All these people shared their experience, the mistakes not to make, obstacles to overcome, valuable pieces of advice and ideas to inspire and motivate.

Today we’ve decided to share the most valuable lessons learned from top eLearning and edtech experts.

My contribution has now been recognised as I’m now included in the 16 Remarkable Lessons Learned from Interviewing Top ELearning and Edtech Experts.

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