Moodle Moot 2016 Day 2 started with a welcome to country and a keynote from Martin Dougiamas providing the ‘fire’ and explained some of the new features of Moodle. There are some excellent features coming up including:

You can now get a branded Moodle app under your brand and have a separate space in online app stores. There is a cost at $5k setup and $5k ongoing cost per year. You can still use the built-in CSS to customise the app to your corporate colours.

Competency based framework is a new feature added to 3.1. I can see how this can be used in the VET sector to map PC’s to assessments. There is the ability to import the details for the framework under RDF or XML. We are looking at tapping directly into API.

I got to do my presentation today – nervous but I got there. It was well received and will post the video that I recorded with my new Swivl robot once I tweak and drop in some slides.

I was also able to attend the inaugural Moodle Users Association Annual General Meeting. It’s great to be involved in this user group and have a say on the future projects of Moodle.

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