Are you a Change Activator or Change Inhibitor?

After publishing my recent article on Change Challenges, it kept me thinking of how this can all be summed up in one simple catch phrase. When it comes to eLearning, be the activator and make a change. I can almost guarantee that you will encounter change inhibitors. You can’t move forward if you’re an inhibitor, […]

Change Challenges – what will you do in eLearning?

Whilst scrolling through my twitter feed, I came across the image below which got me to thinking of how relevant it is for eLearning. We all strive to build and deliver the best eLearning we can, but we will always face ‘change challenges’. There is no clear answer on how to manage this, so how […]

Adult Learning – How can I change the status quo?

This is an extract from my book, The seven year education itch (available on iTunes, Amazon and Kobo). When I first started facilitating, I was given guidance and helpful tips from other colleagues that had been facilitating for a very long time. A common theme was they were very set in their ways of how […]

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