Mobile Learning: Let’s Not Phone It In! – Free eBook
When we consider implementing mobility, organisations tend to be at different levels of comfort and adaptation. This eBook is meant for individuals and organisations along with a spectrum: from those considering mobility for the first time to those who have already implemented such training interventions and are considering improving their effectiveness. The eBook distills Upside Learning’s 13 […]
Adult Learning with Technology – Top eLearning Blogs
For my 100th post, I’ve been listed on the Top eLearning Blog sites! Source: Adult Learning with Technology, Author at e-Learning Feeds
How to Create an eLearning Course on a Tight Budget
Recently I was invited to participate in an online article on the how to create an eLearning course on a budget. Checkout the complete article and my part on Storyboarding your course at When it comes to eLearning, there are two hot topics that never go out of style in the eLearning circles. The first one […]
Adult Learning – Memory Game with H5P
Recently, I’ve been posting a few images on issues and points surrounding adult learners. Being a strong advocate for H5P, I’ve taken these images and added them to a memory game library. Why not check it out, see how you go!
Adult learners can be biased towards technology
Some adult learners can be biased towards technology. This can affect the way an adult learner accesses and uses learning resources based on design.
Adult learners have multi-level responsibilities
Adult learners have multi-level responsibilities that can often lead to distraction when applied to learning.
H5P Twitter Feed Example
Did you know using the H5P Twitter Feed Library you can have multiple feeds on one page? below are examples using H5p Technology and Moodle
Adult learner’s orientation to learning is life centred
Adult learner’s orientation to learning is life centred and focused on real problems. Learning must be contextualised to be most effective.
How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360
Recently I wrote about Insta 360 Nano with Marzipano – a great combination. In this article I’ll talk about HOW this was achieved. I used the Insta360 Nano camera for my still images. This is a great little piece of kit and I’ve been using it for the past few months. The Insta360 also comes with free […]
Insta 360 Nano with Marzipano – a great combination
As you know, I’ve been mucking around with some 360 imagery and video. One of the things I was looking at was the ability to tour or move around static and moving images with hotspots. I found this with Marzipano which I initially wrote about here. I’ve done some more playing and also fixed the […]