As I often go searching for articles and examples on xAPI (Experience API or Tin-Can API), I figured others may benefit from a list of resources that may also help you getting to grips with xAPI.
Self gloating plug first, I’ve posted a few articles that you can scroll through at https://digitallearningsolutions.com.au/tag/xapi or checkout how to Dissect an xAPI statement here.
Below is a growing list of articles that I come across that you may find useful. I’ll continue to maintain the list as I discover more.
If you’ve found a link that should be added, please comment or contact me over socials or email and and I’ll pop it in!
- https://xapi.com/overview/– A great place to start, heaps of information on this site.
- https://www.learnupon.com/blog/what-is-xapi/
- https://www.td.org/magazines/what-is-xapi
- https://adlnet.gov/research/performance-tracking-analysis/experience-api/xapi-architecture-overview/
- https://www.watershedlrs.com/what-is-xapi
- https://elearningindustry.com/demystifying-xapi-a-non-technical-introduction
- https://elearningart.com/blog/xapi/
- https://elearningindustry.com/getting-started-with-storyline-and-xapi-4-short-videos
- https://www.ht2labs.com/category/blog/xapi/
- https://enterprisestudy.com/Blog/Whitepaper-xAPI-What-it-is-and-the-benefits-it-brings-to-the-learning-environment
- https://www.devlinpeck.com/xapi-lrs – xAPI + LRS: Everything You Need to Know in 2020
- https://xapi.org.au – join Australia’s xAPI User group
And if you’d like to take the time to read the entire spec, head on over to https://github.com/adlnet/xAPI-Spec
Look at following these people as well. They offer some great articles and are heavily involved in the growth of xAPI
- https://twitter.com/melmilloway – Melissa Melloway
- https://twitter.com/tlearning – Torrance Learning
- https://twitter.com/AWerkenthin – Art Werkenthin
- https://twitter.com/experience_api – XAPI.com
- #xapi on twitter
- https://twitter.com/devpeck – Devlin Peck
- https://twitter.com/juliandavis71 – Julian Davis
Updated 19 JUNE 2020
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