Blogo – a simple way to manage your blogs
Scrolling through the app store on my Mac this morning I came across this app called Blogo. It states that you can synchronise all you blogs from your WordPress site into a simple app. Given that I like to write whenever I can, I thought I’d give it a go. This is the first entry […]
Great things in eLearning are never done by one person – they’re achieved with a team of innovators
As the elearning world continues to evolve, this statement struck a chord with me that I wanted to share with everyone. Great things in eLearning are never done by one person – they’re achieved with a team of innovators
Articulate Presenter Vs Adobe Captivate saving to LRS
Recently I’ve been doing some comparisons between Articulate Presenter 13 and Adobe Captivate 8 based the ability to record learning analytics using the xAPI (also known as Tin Can API). We’ve been using Articulate Presenter for our online learning content for a while now. As we move into the phase of pushing learning analytics to […]
The seven year education itch Adult Learning in Vocational Training now FREE
The seven year education itch – Adult Learning in Vocational Training is now making its way around the globe and is FREE worldwide! A simple Google search pulls back all the sites you can get the ebook from including Amazon, SmashWords, iBooks, Kobo plus heaps more. ISBN: 9781370951222
H5P – Using YouTube to create interactive video’s
I recently posted about a new tool to create platform agnostic elearning interactions at H5P – interactive elearning tool with HTML5 and Javascript. In a continuation from this, I wanted to see how easy it was to create interactive video’s based on a YouTube link. Recently I also discovered a free tool called mysimpleshow which is a great tool […]
H5P – interactive elearning tool with HTML5 and Javascript
Recently I received an email from MoodleNews and it had an article about H5P. The opening line for the article was: H5P is an interactive content standard. Based on JavaScript and HTML5, it is perhaps the best contender to replace Flash once and for all. Plus, it’s open source. But the best way to do […]
Tablets in Education – it’s based on the student demographic
Recently I came across an article on EdtechReview around the statistics of iPads in education. I’ve always been a strong advocate for technology in education, and those that know me know that I think Apple products are far more superior than other products on the market, especially with the access to millions of secure apps. […]
The seven year eduction itch is now on SmashWords
After publishing the seven year education itch to iBooks, Kobo and Kindle, it’s now available as a FREE download from Smashwords. Smashwords has also become the independent publisher for the ebook and will be promoting it across multiple platforms. Click the download link below to check it out! Published: Aug. 29, 2016 Words: 12,440 Language: English ISBN: […]
Why and how to flip a classroom
I found this awesome article on on why you should and how you can Flip a classroom written by Shivani Sharma that I wanted to share. It covers some benefits and idea’s on how you can improve your flipped classroom. Check it out at
Sometimes, it’s not the’s the delivery
Over the weekend I attended a BBQ with my family and a few other families. It was a friendly environment, lots of food, drink and laughter. I want to share with you a short conversation I had. The usual topic of ‘what do you do for a living’ came up, and I struck up […]