H5P 360 Virtual Tour First Look
The Virtual Tour content type allows for 360 static images to be grouped together in scenes and all having the ability to overlaying text, images, single choice question, summary, audio and video.
Adding 360 AR to Storyline 360
My new role has allowed me to venture past Captivate and enter the world of Articulate 360 and in particular, Storyline. I’m enjoying the change and have to say, Storyline is miles ahead of Captivate. I wanted to demonstrate (as well as figure out) how 360 AR can be added to Storyline, and turns out […]
Connecting Marzipano to xAPI – Part One
Having written a couple of articles on Marzipano that continue to gain attention in Google searches including Marzipano 360 how to change hotspot properties and styles, Marking up 360 images making WHS more engaging and How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360 I wanted to take things to the next level in eLearning and find out what it […]
Marzipano 360 how to change hotspot properties and styles
Recently I was asked about changing the hotspot properties of a Marzipano 360 project. This article will extend on How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360. Unfortunately, there is no interface to change the styles of the hotspot, so you’ll need to know a little bit about CSS. For a simple free HTML […]
Adding Social Media Buttons to a Marzipano Tour
Found this great article on adding some social sharing icons to your Marzipano 360 virtual tour project. If you are using the Marzipano Tool to create Virtual Tours this tutorial will take you step by step through the process of adding in 4 of the most common “Share” buttons. Email, Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Read […]
How to use 360 images with Marzipano and Insta360
Recently I wrote about Insta 360 Nano with Marzipano – a great combination. In this article I’ll talk about HOW this was achieved. I used the Insta360 Nano camera for my still images. This is a great little piece of kit and I’ve been using it for the past few months. The Insta360 also comes with free […]
Insta 360 Nano with Marzipano – a great combination
As you know, I’ve been mucking around with some 360 imagery and video. One of the things I was looking at was the ability to tour or move around static and moving images with hotspots. I found this with Marzipano which I initially wrote about here. I’ve done some more playing and also fixed the […]
Marking up 360 images – making WHS more engaging
One of the avenues I’m looking into is the ability to use 360 images or video in an educational environment, enhancing and providing more relevant, engaging and more meaningful online learning tools. I have an Insta360 Nano which I’ve been using to capture my 360 images and video and as I use it, I’m always thinking about […]