Original Article by Christopher Pappas   5 Key Elements Every eLearning Course Targeting Adult Learners Should Have – eLearning Industry

This article looks at some strategies to use when delivering to adult learners. There are still technology challenges in some of the concept’s that are highlighted. Introducing adult learners to new ways of learning with technology is always going to prove to be a critical part to any learning experience with adults.

The article reflects on particular area of Measurable Outcomes:

Some adults dropped out of school in their early years because they felt inadequate. Their circumstances may have left them feeling incapable of learning, and they carried this attitude into adulthood. Other adult learners are born academics with multiple degrees. Learning is something so easy for them that it may even become boring or tedious. The beauty of eLearning is that a single eLearning course can be tailored to individual learning levels. For more engaged or experienced adult learners, give them tougher morsels to chew. For under-confident adult learners, start them slow and build them up. Include simple metrics so that every adult learner can watch themselves move from one level to the next. Brighter adult learners stay interested, and weaker adult learners feel validated. Start with your basic eLearning material, then sub-section it into graded levels.

You must approach adults on their level. They need to feel respected, and they need to feel that you have something to offer them. Give your adult learners tools they can use and motivate them on a personal level. Contextualize online training materials in a practical way, create collaborative situations, and infuse trackable challenges into the eLearning course. Including these five elements will greatly boost the success of your eLearning course.

I could not agree with this statement. Feedback for adult learners is critical to progression. How you provide feedback can vary from verbal, written or as simple as the way you provide write the feedback on a question in an LMS quiz. Don’t write in a demeaning and belittling way. Be constructive, but be real as well. One feedback response could be enough to push an adult learner to not wanting to continue.

Checkout the entire article at 5 Key Elements Every eLearning Course Targeting Adult Learners Should Have – eLearning Industry

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