
The latest update on H5P is now available, and it has some pretty cool features to bolster what is already a fantastic tool. If you’re running this in Moodle, you will need to ensure you are running version 1.10 (1.0-rc.4 (2016110100)). Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Check for Updates and run any updates or navigate to https://moodle.org/plugins/pluginversions.php?plugin=mod_hvp to get the latest version. You will then need to update your H5P library. The direct link for the library can be found at https://h5p.org/content-types-and-applications

You will then need to upgrade all the content types in the library. You need to navigate to the Site Administration > Plugins > Activity > H5P > H5P Libraries. Where ever there is an enabled green Upgrade image, click to upgrade the library.


Firstly, there is a new content type for True / False which can be integrated into an interactive video, question sets or course presentations or as a stand alone content type. Below is a screen shot of how it looks in an interactive video type.



With interactive videos, you can now prevent the video from progressing until a question has been answered. This has been a feature I’ve been waiting for as it really does complete the interactive video content type. When editing the video Behavioural Settings, there is a new option to ‘Prevent skipping forward of video’



These are just a couple of the new features. For more information on the November release, visit https://h5p.org/november-2016-release-note

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