2019 – A year in review

For me, 2019 started with a high level of excitement as I was coming off a high in the December of 2018 from the H5P conference in Melbourne. I’m a strong advocate for H5P and knew that I would be working with the development team in 2019 as part of the Proof of concept I […]

H5P 360 Virtual Tour First Look

The Virtual Tour content type allows for 360 static images to be grouped together in scenes and all having the ability to overlaying text, images, single choice question, summary, audio and video.

Improve Employee Performance With Virtual Reality Training (VR)

Virtual Reality training (VR) can make new hires feel confident in their roles, mitigate stress in high-risk positions, or even enhance customer service. Let’s explore some of the ways VR training can boost employee performance. I came across this article on eLearning Industry and it appealed to me on a number of levels. One is […]

How VR Headsets Will Impact Learning

Let’s face it, Virtual Reality is really cool, and most educators agree that at one level or another it could be beneficial to student engagement or take us back to the days when field trips were easier and less of a legal hassle.

AR / VR in eLearning

Recently I came across this article on eLearning Industry that talks about AR and VR in the eLearning space. However, in spite of all the benefits, eLearning also poses a plethora of challenges which Virtual Reality (VR) aims to solve. VR brings with it a realm of simulations and real-life knowledge that makes retaining content and applying […]

AR VR MR XR – It’s all a reality

Recently I came across this article on LinkedIn which grabbed my attention. It discusses the use of XR, or Extended Reality. I’d not heard of this term before, so did a very quick dig around around google to see what I could find. I came across this site that provides a clear yet simple response to […]

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