Understanding an xAPI Statement [Interactive Example]

Understanding how the Experience API (xAPI sometimes known as Tin-Can API) is structured is the first hurdle to knowing just how flexible and powerful the xAPI can be. When you look at the structure of an xAPI statement, there are three main sections that will get you started: Actor : Verb : Object The ACTOR […]

xAPI in a nutshell – Infographic

Recently I’ve been completing the edX course on a Micro Masters in Instructional Design and Technology As I work through the modules I’ll start sharing some of the resources I’ve developed. I’ve focused a lot on xAPI and introducing users to what it can do. Below are two infographics developed titled xAPI in a Nutshell. […]

Is xAPI ready?

In my current work environment, I’m looking to implement xAPI as part of the bigger Virtual Learning Environment. I came across this article that is very insightful, in particular to my current situation. Unlike other transformative innovations, such as virtual reality or chatbots, xAPI isn’t a delivery mechanism. It’s the unifying specification that would enable […]

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