’ve got data. Lots of data. Your LMS and LRS collect all kinds of information about learners and their activities: You know what learning modules each learner has registered for, how much time they’ve spent, whether they watched an entire video or only the first minute, what their quiz scores were, and who they chatted with during the virtual class session. You know who did what; in addition, you’ve got aggregate data about time spent and progress recorded in eLearning department-wide—or even company-wide.


Now what?

read more at You’ve Got a Ton of Learning Analytics Data. Now What? : Learning Solutions Magazine

One Response

  1. You absolutely hit the nail on the head that you HAVE to record employee performance (regardless of what your KPI is) BEFORE you implement employee training software to know if it actually worked or not. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked with over the last few years that when asked “how has implementing training software improved your business” say something to the effect of “I’m not sure, but it feels better!” Typically people only have a good gauge on the time it takes to onboard someone. For instance, most of our customers have seen a 50% reduction in ramp time due to implementing our software. BUT ramp time is valuable, but not as important as performance. If you’re ramping faster, getting learning “done,” but aren’t performing any better, was it really worth it? So, that feels like a rant, but I think it should be motivating for people to get their performance tracking down now, then work to improve it by improving their team.

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