Blast from the Past – Website Portfolio

Do you ever remember having to present a website portfolio for a job role? As a budding web developer in 2006, this was something I had to do often to be competitive. Recently I was clearing out a few storage boxes and happened to stumble across the pages of my resume that made up my […]

Is xAPI ready?

In my current work environment, I’m looking to implement xAPI as part of the bigger Virtual Learning Environment. I came across this article that is very insightful, in particular to my current situation. Unlike other transformative innovations, such as virtual reality or chatbots, xAPI isn’t a delivery mechanism. It’s the unifying specification that would enable […]

LMS Implementation Obstacles To Avoid

Original Article: 8 Top LMS Implementation Obstacles To Avoid – eLearning Industry by Kim Morrison LMS Implementation Obstacles You Should Be Ready To Overcome Researching the perfect LMS for your company is a very important part of the LMS buying process, but there is another equally important stage that really comes into play once you […]

LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter?

Original Article: LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter? – eLearning Industry Why LMS User Experience Matters For Both Front And Back-End Users Many organizations thinking about onboarding a new LMS have clearly defined expectations. This usually includes support services, reporting capabilities, and pricing structure. However, many overlook one of the most crucial aspects of […]

Why You Should Pick A Community-Developed LMS

Original Article: Why You Should Pick A Community-Developed LMS – eLearning Industry by Andy Schermuly If you’re in the market for a Learning Management System, you’re likely experiencing a familiar predicament: finding an LMS with the features you need using the limited budget you have. Consider a community-developed LMS—the low-cost alternative to building a custom […]

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