LMS Implementation Obstacles To Avoid

Original Article: 8 Top LMS Implementation Obstacles To Avoid – eLearning Industry by Kim Morrison LMS Implementation Obstacles You Should Be Ready To Overcome Researching the perfect LMS for your company is a very important part of the LMS buying process, but there is another equally important stage that really comes into play once you […]

LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter?

Original Article: LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter? – eLearning Industry Why LMS User Experience Matters For Both Front And Back-End Users Many organizations thinking about onboarding a new LMS have clearly defined expectations. This usually includes support services, reporting capabilities, and pricing structure. However, many overlook one of the most crucial aspects of […]

Why You Should Pick A Community-Developed LMS

Original Article: Why You Should Pick A Community-Developed LMS – eLearning Industry by Andy Schermuly If you’re in the market for a Learning Management System, you’re likely experiencing a familiar predicament: finding an LMS with the features you need using the limited budget you have. Consider a community-developed LMS—the low-cost alternative to building a custom […]

Swapping Face-To-Face Learning For eLearning

Original Article https://elearningindustry.com/swapping-face-to-face-learning-for-elearning-4-benefits Swapping Face-To-Face Learning For eLearning? Enjoy These 4 Benefits Traditionally, corporate companies have favored face-to-face learning (Instructor-Led Training or classroom training) for training their staff. By exposing learners to an instructor’s “rhetorical performance”, the corporate sector, at one point in time, invested heavily in the idea that learners learn a great deal […]

Adult Learning Theories Every eLearning Designer Must Know

  Original Article from https://www.td.org/insights/3-adult-learning-theories-every-e-learning-designer-must-know As an instructional designer, you want to create courses that make a difference to your audience’s lives. You want to create courses that inspire them, that change mindsets and drive performance. In short, you want to create courses that are effective and hit the mark, every time. Now here’s the […]

Understanding an xAPI Statement

Understanding how the Experience API (xAPI sometimes known as Tin-Can API) is structured is the first hurdle to knowing just how flexible and powerful the xAPI can be. If you consider this: you have a Learning Management System (LMS) as part of your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and you want to know WHAT, WHERE, WHEN […]

Are you a Change Activator or Change Inhibitor?

After publishing my recent article on Change Challenges, it kept me thinking of how this can all be summed up in one simple catch phrase. When it comes to eLearning, be the activator and make a change. I can almost guarantee that you will encounter change inhibitors. You can’t move forward if you’re an inhibitor, […]

Change Challenges – what will you do in eLearning?

Whilst scrolling through my twitter feed, I came across the image below which got me to thinking of how relevant it is for eLearning. We all strive to build and deliver the best eLearning we can, but we will always face ‘change challenges’. There is no clear answer on how to manage this, so how […]

xAPI Explained in Infographs

As I look at bringing in xAPI to where I work, I’ve received a few questions on what is xAPI and why is it better than SCORM? I went to build my own infograph to make it easier to explain, but why reinvent the wheel! Here are a couple of infographs that explaining the xAPI […]

Changes that are Shaping The Future Of Learning Technology

Original Article posted at 5 Changes Shaping The Future Of Learning Technology – eLearning Industry By Steve Lowenthal What Changes Are Shaping The Future Of Learning Technology A perfect storm of disruptors is leading us all into uncharted territory. Given this uncertainty, it’s not surprising that Ambient research has forecast negative 14% growth for the […]

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