• The Case for Decentralised Digital Learning: It’s More Than Just eLearning

    The case for decentralised digital learning is clear—learning happens beyond eLearning courses. Explore how AI, xAPI, and social learning are reshaping digital learning.

  • Bridging the Digital Divide for Adult Learners: Observations Over 8 Years

    In my book, The Seven Year Education Itch: Adult Learning in Vocational Training, published in 2016, I explore the various hurdles that adult learners face when grappling with technology. The chapter, “How Adults Struggle with Technology,” discusses a concept I developed to summarise the challenges adult learners encounter with technology. These include biases, digital literacy…

  • ChatGPT – build me a course…

    With the advent of ChatGPT being everywhere lately, I wanted to see what it could do. I played with the ‘how to make a chocolate cake’ and ‘write me a song about riding a motorcycle’ and the results were pretty awesome, albeit a little corny in the motorcycle song. It made me think about how…

  • Recognition and Awards 2022

    This year has seen a lot of growth in my learning and achievements and some awards. I have built a team around the globe to deliver training on DCFC Chargers and implemented a Global Certification Program for all Technicians to be part of a program to service and maintain DC Chargers. I also presented at…

  • The eLearning Podcast – a chat about Soufflé out of mud – an xAPI challenge

    Talking to Stephen Ladek from LMS Pulse about the article I wrote on Soufflé out of mud – an xAPI challenge on how I overcame the challenge of introducing and using xAPI in a learning environment. What we talk about in the podcast Mudpies! Children love making them, but being given one and expecting to…

  • With xAPI, do I still need a Learning Management System?

    Have you ever asked yourself if you need to have an LMS now that xAPI is out there?

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