Discovering the H5P Interactive Video Library

As I discover more about the features of H5P, I’d like to share some of the things I’m finding. One of the first little trip up’s I discovered was in the Interactive Video Library. When I simply uploaded a link to Vimeo I found that it didn’t work across multiple browsers. This is where I […]

Using H5P with YouTube 360 Video

H5P was all the buzz on the recent Moodle Moot 2016 in Perth, Western Australia. I got to talking to a lot of people about what it can do, and one guy, Vernon Spain (LinkedIn) and I talked about using it in 360 Video. I said I’d give it a go, and this is what I […]

Learning Analytics: MoodleMoot16

Day one of the Moodle Moot conference in Perth, Western Australia and I’m sitting in a workshop on Learning Analytics for the day. I’m a strong advocate for learning analytics and how you can read and understand how the analytics can greatly benefit students and tutors. There are a number of core plugins in Moodle […]

Connecting H5P interactive activity in Moodle to an LRS

Investigating further into H5P, I started playing with the ability to send xAPI statements to our LRS from Moodle. This will give us valuable Learning Analytics when we start using the tool for formative assessments. I downloaded the H5P plugin from the Moodle plugin site and installed into my local development copy of Moodle 3.1. I […]

H5P – Using YouTube to create interactive video’s

I recently posted about a new tool to create platform agnostic elearning interactions at H5P – interactive elearning tool with HTML5 and Javascript. In a continuation from this, I wanted to see how easy it was to create interactive video’s based on a YouTube link. Recently I also discovered a free tool called mysimpleshow which is a great tool […]

H5P – interactive elearning tool with HTML5 and Javascript

Recently I received an email from MoodleNews and it had an article about H5P. The opening line for the article was: H5P is an interactive content standard. Based on JavaScript and HTML5, it is perhaps the best contender to replace Flash once and for all. Plus, it’s open source. But the best way to do […]

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