Samsung Power Up Education Summit

I was recently fortunate to be selected to represent Independent Schools Queensland and attend the Samsung Power Up Education Summit in Seoul. The concept behinds the Summit, the first of its kind for Samsung, was to connect with other educational experts in the Oceania region and gain a better understanding of how Samsung integrated systems […]

Common Problems eLearners Face

When I read this article How To Solve The Most Common Problems eLearners Face, I couldn’t help but links this back to my theories that Adult Learners face when learning with technology – Bias, Literacy, Experience and Exposure, Fear and social / cultural exposure 1. Resistance To Change It’s common to see some initial resistance […]

Learning Leader Type – What are you?

I came across the article titled What’s Your Learning Leader Type? at eLearning Industries and got me wondering what Learning Leader I am. Learning leaders are trailblazing, driving, focusing, and strategizing corporate training solutions. Read all about the 4 character types who make up these learning leaders and discover which one you identify with most. […]

Increasing Learner Engagement And Motivation In Moodle

Original article: by Ben Young Gaining the interest of learners and maintaining it throughout the training experience is one of the main goals of every learning professional. Here are some Moodle key features and functionalities that will help you increase learner engagement in Moodle LMS. 1. Badges In Moodle The Harvard Business Review named […]

LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter?

Original Article: LMS User Experience: Does It Really Matter? – eLearning Industry Why LMS User Experience Matters For Both Front And Back-End Users Many organizations thinking about onboarding a new LMS have clearly defined expectations. This usually includes support services, reporting capabilities, and pricing structure. However, many overlook one of the most crucial aspects of […]

Adult Learning Theories Every eLearning Designer Must Know

  Original Article from As an instructional designer, you want to create courses that make a difference to your audience’s lives. You want to create courses that inspire them, that change mindsets and drive performance. In short, you want to create courses that are effective and hit the mark, every time. Now here’s the […]

Change Challenges – what will you do in eLearning?

Whilst scrolling through my twitter feed, I came across the image below which got me to thinking of how relevant it is for eLearning. We all strive to build and deliver the best eLearning we can, but we will always face ‘change challenges’. There is no clear answer on how to manage this, so how […]

Data Driven Learning Design

Recently I came across a fantastic eBook on Data Driven Learning Design by Lori -Niles-Hofmann [twitter] that you should really have a read of if you do any form of Learning and Development. Whilst reading the eBook, the first thing that struck me was that I’d not heard of Digital Body Language, and it just […]

Adult Learning – what eLearning Pros Need To Know

  Original Article : 10 Adult Learning Facts And Stats That eLearning Pros Need To Know – eLearning Industry This is a great article by Christopher Pappas on Adult Learning facts that is worth sharing. Adult Learning Facts And Stats For eLearning Professionals In order to create meaningful eLearning experiences, you have to know how […]

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